"Analyzing Army Transition Programs for Exiting Soldiers Searching for " by Andrew Schaffert

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


As soldiers begin the transition to life after the Army, the Soldier For Life Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP) provides courses in order to facilitate the military transition in terms of occupational assistance, educational development, and information of benefits. Although SFL-TAP assists many soldiers in their efforts to receive gainful employment after their terms of service, the program could benefit from adapting the assistance rubric to individual Military Occupation Specialties (MOS’s), enhancing coordination with the Career Skills Program (CSP), and providing psychological adjustment to soldiers and soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Given these adjustments, soldiers exiting the Army would benefit from this research, for they would be better prepared for the civilian work environment and be able to secure more profitable careers.

To supplement this topic, an analysis of available literature on the topics of post-service veteran employment, the CSP program, and the effects of PTSD on soldiers attaining work will be conducted. Also, this paper will use a Likert Scale survey and conduct a focus group discussion to analyze the efficacy of the SFL-TAP and the pervasiveness of CSP in SFL-TAP. The overall goal of this research is to explore the potential for adapting SFL-TAP so that it better serve soldiers in their transition to become civilians.
