"Combatting Misinformation: Effective Twitter Responses to The Removal " by Phillip Severson

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Growing concern surrounding the harmful effects of widespread misinformation on social media platforms, policymakers and influencers, including the Department of Justice, have proposed reforms to Section 230 such as the removal of civil liability protection to incentivize more effective business practices at preventing widespread misinformation on social media platforms. This study gained insight into the perceived effectiveness of business practices Twitter may undertake to significantly reduce volumes of misinformation incentivized by the removal of civil liability protection from Section 230. In particular, a Theory of Change was examined in which Twitter Inc. would attempt to significantly reduce misinformation through an increase content moderation; improvement of user verification and authentication processes; and intensification of public transparency practices. Relevant literature indicated that increased moderation could have harmful effects upon the user experience, such as over-moderation, but showed promising benefits in the application of improved user verification and public transparency practices. Quantitative insights from survey respondents generally validated each of business practices encapsulated in the assumptions from the Theory of Change, but qualitative insights from the survey respondents and interviews with selected subject matter experts identified significant challenges, limitations, and caveats regarding the implementation of each assumption. Of each assumption, the act of improving user verification and authentication process was expected to provide the greatest benefit. If civil liability protection is removed from Section 230 in efforts to incentivize more effective business practices to reduced and limit misinformation, it is recommended that Twitter increase content moderation, improve user verification, and intensify its public transparency practices, however with several caveats informed by qualitative perspectives.
