
Ronaldo S. Hu

Date of Award

Spring 3-3-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


This study is about improving the current paper-based application form for the California Intercity Bus program within Caltrans, that provides millions of dollars in discretionary transportation funding to qualified applicants throughout the state. The application program is a process which applicants submit their paper-based application form to the funding office via email attachments, and it goes through a five-person scoring committee for final approval of their funding request. The study discusses the current application process and issues encountered between the Caltrans funding office and the prospective applicants. This research project is for the benefit of senior management, the staff, and funding applicants willing to embrace new technology that will streamline the process and increase work efficiency. A review of the relevant literature will discuss different aspects of a web-based online application process. Data will be collected from key informant interviews and an online structured survey to the current and future funding applicants. The results of this study may provide information on how implementing a web-based online application could increase efficiency in the California Intercity Bus program application process.
