Date of Award

Summer 6-23-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Proposition 47 downgraded many non-serious and non-violent property and drug crimes from felony crimes to misdemeanors. As a result offenders are getting cited for certain crimes and being released. Proposition 47 was developed with intended goals and consequences. Since the passing of Proposition 47, it has also created some unintended consequences. A literature review provides a summary of scholarly data on Proposition 47 and a review of themes associated with Proposition 47. Data was collected from an Anonymous Northern California Police Department, including key informant interviews, and a peace officer survey. A community survey questionnaire was also distributed to collect data from local residents of the Anonymous City. The city name is to remain anonymous to protect the identity of the Police Department involved in the research. The research data focuses on property crimes in an Anonymous Northern California City before and after the passing of Proposition 47. The results of this study may help the City of Anonymous including local law enforcement, the community, and public officials. This study will attempt to determine if Proposition 47 is working as intended to in the City of Anonymous.
