
Dereck Glover

Date of Award

Winter 12-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


How can technology be used to create innovation and benefit for society? The answer to this question has many possible solutions depending on your location and perspective, but an increasing number of collaborators are working toward solutions on some of the most challenging problems facing humanity. This paper will examine innovative smart lighting solutions which present an improvement over the current solution for the City of Monterey. Current research presents use cases and case studies which will be used as a basis for exploring a smart lighting solution for Monterey. The impacts of this study, policy evaluation and policy recommendations could create an opportunity for Monterey to position itself as leader in the region of sustainability and innovation, creating buzz, bringing collaborators and business to the area, while also decreasing expenditures on lighting, reducing emissions and light pollution, and building an additional layer of fault tolerance for Monterey.
