"2016 Poverty Law Symposium" by Michele Benedetto Neitz

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Publication Date



Poverty Law Symposium
April 20, 2016 12-4 PM

Presentation Schedule:

12:00 PM- Lunch
12:20 PM- Emily Champlin "The Myth of the Welfare Queen: Reproductive Oppression in the Welfare System"
12:40 PM- Stephany Arzaga “An Increase in Immigrant Homeless Youth: A Consequence of the Federal Government’s Failure to Properly Protect Immigrant Refugee Youth”
1:00 PM- Veronica Kontilis “Civil Gideon in San Francisco: Strengthening Protections for Low-income Tenants”
1:20 PM- Break
1:35 PM- Alafia Delahaye "Local Control Funding Formula: A Continuum of Discrimination Against Minority Youth"
1:55 PM- Joey Faber “Avoiding Probate – The Benefits of Proper Estate Planning for Working-Poor”
2:15 PM- Elizabeth Youngberg “AB-12 – Continuing and Enhancing Supportive Services for Foster Youth and Nonminor Dependents”
2:35 PM- Cookies
2:50 PM- Jake Reinhardt "Public Mental Health Care and Homelessness in California."
3:10 PM- Bryan Vix "DUI's: A Mistake with Unequal Consequences”
3:30 PM- Sam Guthrie "You're on your own: America's solution to maternity leave"
3:55 PM- Closing Comments

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