Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Studies have revealed that adolescents who participate in leadership activities are more successful. If leadership is a determinant factor of success, every adolescent need for leadership development should be addressed within public education. Countless research examinations have explored the affects that race, gender and disability in education. However, many answers still are left unanswered in the field of adolescent leadership. The premise of this research is to analyze the relationship that low socio-economic status has over student’s positional leadership involvement (i.e., holds a leadership position in student council or another organized school club) in school related activities.

The study revealed that Low SES adolescents participated in leadership activities more frequently when associated with peers of the same class. This research was conducted using a quantitative research format and utilized variables for parent involvement, quality education and community involvement as controllable variables.
