Date of Award

Spring 3-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Each year the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) develops a Workforce Succession Plan aligned with its strategic goals and priorities. This plan also highlights mission critical occupations. In 2016, Human Resources Management was identified as the third highest mission critical occupation in VHA. The VHA Workforce Succession Plan also identifies the recruitment of Veterans as part of its plan for increasing diversity. The purpose of this capstone paper will be to explore methods of outreach to veteran job seekers as well as propose that a policy be developed to promote outreach and establishment of competency based training plans for veteran employees hired to fill these positions. A review of the relevant literature will discuss cases and strategies in the private sector, state, local and federal government to attract veterans. It also highlights the importance of veteran outreach and employment to increase the benefits of diversity in the workplace. Data will come from three main sources, a review of existing data that the VHA has collected on gains and losses; interviews with staff from the VHA’s Health Care Talent Management Office regarding the identification of key competencies for new HR employees; and interviews with individuals from organizations involved in outreach, job readiness, and skill development for veteran job seekers. It is hoped that the results of this study may provide information on whether veteran outreach combined with an on the job training program would help newly hired HRM employees develop relevant skills to ensure a workforce to fill critical HR positions in the VHA.
