Date of Award

Spring 3-3-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The purpose of this study is to determine if Mode C transponder operation by all aircraft in flight would improve aviation safety in the San Francisco North Bay. With air travel expected to increase annually for the foreseeable future, it is critical that aircraft operating requirements provide a high level of safety. Current aviation regulations require aircraft to operate Mode C transponders in congested airspace and at high altitude, but do not require use in other airspace, where many aircraft operate unmonitored in the vicinity of commercial aircraft. This situation can create a potential hazard to flight safety and could result in a catastrophic midair collision. This study combines data gathered from pilot and controller surveys, a case study on flight incident reports, and a series of expert interviews to help establish whether or not Mode C transponders should be operated by all aircraft to preserve aviation safety.
