"Enhancing Veterans' Job Opportunities in the Federal Government" by Kimberly Dixon

Date of Award

Summer 6-26-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Given their federal work background within the United States military and veteran preference laws, most veterans should not have difficulty accessing federal jobs. The reality is they do. The goal of this research study was to support the following hypothesis: If military preseparation programs, including Transition Assistance Program (TAP) sessions for governmental and non-government jobs deployed, as well as various comparable non-governmental jobs training services, then transitioning military personnel are prepared to negotiate within the job marketplace and to access government jobs and career prospects. A comprehensive overview of previous literatures on military transition and veterans’ access to federal job supported this research. This research study also employed a mixed research methodology (qualitative and quantitative) via individual interviews and surveys. It is the goal of this study the research findings will lead to social and economic mobility for veterans to qualify for specific federal positions. For this study, the writer assumed a neutral position upon completion and analysis of the data collection.
