"Improving the Utilization Rate of the Sacramento County Veteran Servic" by Rochelle L. Arnold

Date of Award

Summer 6-28-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


According to the California Association of County Veteran Service Officers (CACVSO) 2020 Annual Report, the veteran utilization rate of the Sacramento County Veteran Services Office is 26.1 percent of the over 84,000 veterans who reside in the county. Increasing the number of veterans who utilize the Sacramento CVSO will benefit the veterans and their families by connecting them to their earned federal VA monetary and health care benefits. It will also benefit the Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance by increasing the share of subvention funds received from the state. A thorough literature review was conducted and found twenty-four articles, the majority of which support the three central themes of the study: staff to customer ratio, location, and outreach. The study used a mixed methodology consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data in the form of surveys, interviews with key informants, SMEs, and participant observation to gather information. The goal of the study was to analyze the effect of reducing the current staffing ratio of qualified Veteran Claims Representatives per veteran, moving the location of the office to a central location and opening satellite locations, and hiring one, if not more Outreach Specialists on the veteran utilization rate of the Sacramento CVSO.
