
Evelyn Diaz

Date of Award

Summer 6-25-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


There has been a great controversy in the United States about the connection between immigration and crime. This study provides the analysis and results if sanctuary city policies increase or decrease crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. This analysis will be focused in San Francisco, one of the most important sanctuary cities. In this research, there will be qualitative and quantitative data which provides a balanced perspective on the relationship between undocumented immigrants and crime in sanctuary cities such as San Francisco. Throughout this study, writings from scholars providing different perspectives of the impact of sanctuary city policies in crime committed by undocumented immigrants. Drawing on the statistical data of several reports and surveys (FBI Uniform Crime Report database, and U.S Census’ yearly American Community Surveys), this study examines the impact of changes of crime rates before and after San Francisco became a sanctuary city. There will also be interviews with key informants from the San Francisco Police Department, Community Resource Centers and undocumented immigrants about their perspective on this controversial issue. Another important aspect is the public opinion as it relates to San Francisco sanctuary ordinances and crime committed by undocumented immigrants, therefore there will be a survey to the San Francisco residents. This research will not only benefit policy makers, but US Citizens who will be able to make an informed decision whether to support sanctuary policies.
