Date of Award

Spring 3-3-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In 2005 the Deficit Reduction Act, (DRA) enforced the program performance measure work participation rate, (WPR). This required 50 percent of all adults and 90 percent of two-parent households to participate in approved welfare-to-work activities. The City and County of San Francisco’s Welfare to Work, (WTW) program failed to meet this mandated benchmark since 2007 and as a result is facing block grant penalty reductions from the Federal government. A review of relevant literature regarding strategies successful counties have implemented and data collected from key informants and WTW case mangers was conducted for this study. The result of analyzing this information reveals strategies the City and County of San Francisco’s Welfare to Work program can employ to increase their work participation rate to avoid further grant penalties.
