"Effectiveness of Hiring Emergency Mental Health Specialist(s) at VA Me" by Jeremy De Vault

Date of Award

Spring 4-22-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) provides services in 170 medical centers nationwide, and it is famous for extensive wait times, short staffing issues, and employees' minimal pay for their occupations. The mental health departments throughout the VA medical facilities have consistently struggled to hire sufficient mental health staff, psychologists, and psychiatrists for years. Lack of timely support results in severe mental and emotional health issues, including increased suicidal incidents, drug abuse, and homelessness among veterans. Studies from October 2017 through September 2018 showed that 41,270 newly registered veterans were screened for PTSD, suicidal attempts, and drug abuse. Among them, 61% were screened positive for mental health disorders (Bovin, 2022; Choi & Roberson, 2022).

This study applied a Mixed-Methods Research (MMR) approach and collected data from 35 respondents (Quan = 30 and Qual 05), testing three assumptions. The study revealed that 83% of the respondents strongly agree that hiring emergency mental health specialists will reduce drug abuse among veterans, and 100% strongly agree that the added facility will improve the veterans' homelessness conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative findings indicated a strong need to provide more qualified physicians readily available to all VAMC for emergency purposes to reduce PTSD, suicidal incidents, drug abuse, and homelessness among veterans.
