"BART: An Assessment of Declining Ridership" by Garrett Thomsen

Date of Award

Spring 3-2-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The Bay Area Rapid Transit system has had a decline in ridership of 6.2% over the last three years (BART.gov, 2018) There has been a multitude of reported issues that could be affecting the way people travel locally in the Bay Area. This study investigates the reasons Bay Area Rapid Transit passenger use is lower than previous years. Increased crime rates and lack of safety on Bay Area Rapid Transit are critical reasons for the decrease in ridership. This study is intended to be beneficial for both the Bay Area Rapid Transit system organization and the San Francisco Bay Area as a whole. Recommendations are provided, which point to ways to increase ridership and relieve major congestion on the local interstates. The research methods utilized in this study include primary data collected from surveys on citizen use of BART and from Bay Area Rapid Transit system employees. The results of this study will provide insight as to why there has been a decline in ridership, as well as possible ways in which ridership rates may increase.
