"Examination of the Effectiveness of a Rewards and Recognition Program:" by Lindsay Synsteby

Date of Award

Summer 8-30-2008

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The problem facing MR WPCA is that its employees are becoming less and less motivated. In order to run a successful organization it is important to have motivated, dedicated and satisfied employees. Once an employee is hired and trained, it does not mean that this should be the end of the attention provided to the employee by the organization. An employee must be fostered, and appreciated by the organization through the entire term of employment. If an employee is ignored and feels unappreciated they may become less dedicated, less productive, or they may leave. When employees leave, it can be very costly to an organization A rewards and recognition program may warrant consideration for Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) employees.

A rewards and recognition program may help boost morale and increase job satisfaction. A review of literature will reveal that employers who provide a rewards and recognition program tend to have employees who show higher morale and are more satisfied with their jobs.

The program will consist of examples from other organizations who currently participate in rewards and recognition programs. In addition, the literature reviews will obtain ideas for a rewards and recognition program. Personal interviews with management, supervisors and employees were conducted to help determine the best program for the agency.
