"An Evaluation of Monterey County’s Lactation Policy" by Ruby Salazar


Ruby Salazar

Date of Award

Summer 6-30-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Lactation in the Workplace Policies are currently administered by federal, state, and county governments to provide benefits for working parents and protections to women in the workplace when returning to work. Accommodations include designated lactation spaces and anti-discrimination supports for working parents. Monterey County has its own policy in place to support the many laws and acts protecting the rights of its employees. Detractors of the policy state the policy is not adequate, and additional steps can be taken to enhance its accommodations and policy. Proponents of the policy state the County is in compliance with state and federal laws. A review of statistics via the use of surveys and key informant interviews can support in determining whether the current Monterey County Maternity Leave and Lactation Policy is effective.
