"The Federal Position Classification System: A Case Study for Updating " by Eduardo M. Pareño

Date of Award

Summer 6-30-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The ability of the federal position classification system to keep pace with the evolving complexity and type of federal work has been in doubt for many years. Nearly 30 percent of federal occupations have not been updated since 1990, and many more have not been updated since the 1970s. This study will explore the federal position classification system and evaluate how it attracts quality candidates, compete with the private sector and accurately classify positions. Relevant literature, surveys completed by stakeholders and subject matter experts, and key informant interviews will be used to capture the state and characteristics of the federal position classification system. The research method approach will be adapted to obtain the perspective and experience for the validity of the outcome. The study is intended to demonstrate to stakeholders whether the federal position classification system needs to be revised and updated and whether to recommend the necessity to hire dedicated classification specialists to review, update, and maintain the position classification standards.
