Date of Award

Spring 4-28-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Economic barriers to technology in today’s society hinder the growth and development of low income families continuously and widens the social economic gap of families that live below the Federal Poverty Level. These barriers contribute to and impact individuals, families and children who can live above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) in the Sacramento region. For the year 2015, the United States Health and Human services department defines the FPL for a family of 4 in the US as $ 24,250.00 (Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2015). For many families and children that live within the impoverished areas of the Sacramento metropolitan city, daily living is a struggle. In today’s world where access to technology can make a huge difference and bridge some of the socio economic gap, providing the right environment for children to be educated can enable the student and their families to get out of the cycle of poverty. By providing ample literature review, data from surveys and questionnaires, primary “AND” secondary sources of data, this research paper will focus on the outcomes of donating gently used and surplus computers equipment that organizations like Sutter Health can donate to after school programs which will in turn improve the lives of people around the Sacramento metropolitan city at practically no cost to the organization. The primary goal within this Capstone project is to answer the questions: 1. If Sutter Health Information Technology and Sutter Health Support Services donated retired PC’s, switches, servers, modems and routers to the 4th R after school program, would students benefit from increased access to information technology? 3 2. How does Sutter Health partner with 4th R program so that surplus and donated equipment has the necessary infrastructure within the 4th program so that donated computers and technology creates an environment for students within the after-school program do have a safe, stable learning and reliable place to educate themselves.
