Date of Award

Spring 3-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The City of Elk Grove (COEG), like many jurisdictions, is plagued by chronic homelessness. Also like many local governments, it struggles to find effective methods to address this dilemma in meaningful ways to satisfy both residents and the homeless population. One strategy that has been successful for many agencies and is considered a best practice has been the use of the Housing First Model. This model emphasizes providing permanent housing first rather than mental health or substance abuse treatment. The review of literature will demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of this model. Other sources of relevant information will include interviews of homeless persons as well as agency personnel that work with homeless individuals and families. Through careful research and analysis, the objective is to determine whether use of the Housing First Model is the right approach for the City of Elk Grove to adopt. In addition, hopefully, these findings will help other jurisdictions experiencing homeless issues in determining the best course of action for their own communities.

This researcher became interested in this topic because he has been employed as a senior code enforcement officer with the City of Elk Grove (COEG) for close to ten years. In this capacity and working with the Elk Grove Police Department (EGPD), the researcher addresses homeless concerns and complaints reported by residents and businesses such as illegal encampments, loitering, trash and litter, graffiti, abandoned shopping carts, among other problems associated with the homeless. It is the lack of efficacy, and apparent disjointed and uncoordinated but well intended efforts by various agencies, volunteers, and non-profit organizations that has motivated the researcher to analyze the homelessness issue in hopes of offering methods and practices that have been successfully tested elsewhere with good results.
