Date of Award

Winter 12-15-2008

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


This study will attempt to examine the trial phase of Monterey's Green Building Program. This proposal will investigate the current process of green business certification and identify certain enhancements centered on current legislation. In addition, this study will focus on certain recommendations for future protocol of new building projects in Monterey. The purpose of this study is to examine the current green building trial phase of Monterey's Building Office. This trial phase is a tool used to promote responsible future building plans as a benefit for both the local business industry and the City of Monterey.

From this process, this study will show the importance of the current movement towards green building practices on our environment and economy. Thus, a great majority of this research will be used to improve upon current legislation, which will be explored and has already gone through certain changes. Ultimately, this study will define certain anticipated benefits and recommendations that would result from such an effectual change in the green building certification process.

This paper's research will seek to define the following:

I. Monterey's current trial phase regarding green building certification.

2. The benefits for having a green building certification program.

3. The benefits for receiving a green building certification.

4. The recommendations that have come from the trial phase.

This study will show certain possible anticipated benefits of increased certification of green building projects on the economy, environment and in the City of Monterey. In addition, there will be an analysis and comparison of sources and data collected regarding the use of green building projects in Monterey. The final findings are not conclusive, however, data on this newly initialized program will give insight into the overall needs of the City of Monterey's Green Building trial phase.
