Date of Award

Fall 2008

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


There has never been a time when the national budget has not been of concern to the American people; economic conditions and initiatives impact the national budget, and usurp the funding of other programs and agencies, to include National Parks, especially newer costly national parks like the Presidio. Budget constraints and the impetus for reinventing government in the 1990' s caused Congress to look at new ways to manage and fund agencies.

The Presidio Trust was created by Congress to run the Presidio National Park, in San Francisco, with a financial and management model that would enable it to achieve financial self-sufficiency. Through interviews and an evaluation of secondary data, this paper will look at the effectiveness of this model to determine if the Trust is reaching financial self-sufficiency or if this model needs to be expanded even further so that the Trust can operate more like a business, with less of the constraints placed on a federal agency, and become successful at reaching long-term financial self-sufficiency.

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