"Solano County’s Juvenile Diversion Program: Diverting Mentally Ill You" by Ryan J. Moran


Ryan J. Moran

Date of Award

Spring 3-2-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In June 2015, Solano County was awarded a budget grant through the Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR), grant program by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), in the sum of $761,322 to reduce recidivism of juvenile mentally ill offenders. The award provided funding to implement and sustain early intervention and diversion programs for juvenile mentally ill offenders. The Solano County Youth Diversion program, a multi-agency collaboration program, seeks to provide early intervention services and programs to non-serious juvenile offenders whom may be experiencing issues associated with mental health. Diverting youth from the juvenile justice system by providing necessary mental health services and instilling positive behaviors, such as accountability and the promotion of school activities or functions, are the overall goals of this program. A review of scholarly literature relevant to this study will seek to provide further knowledge into the topic of recidivism of juvenile offenders with mental illnesses and the effectiveness of the juvenile diversion program in Solano County. Data will be collected from a multitude of agencies involved in this program to measure the Solano County Diversion program’s overall effectiveness in preventing juvenile recidivism. Results of the study may provide further knowledge into whether the Solano County Youth Diversion program has been an effective early intervention and prevention tool in preventing youth recidivism in mentally ill offenders.
