"Negative Effects Associated with Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in Sa" by Suni Lopez


Suni Lopez

Date of Award

Fall 10-24-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


ADUs are gaining much popularity but have caused many issues for homeowners who would like to maintain a single-family residential neighborhood. “The new zoning policy is destroying our neighborhoods. Increasing density comes with limitations on the “carrying capacity” of the land. Existing zoning policies that allow housing at any cost are not the solution” (Berta, 2021, para.4). The research is intended to inform the local government of the current issues associated with ADUs and be a tool in the making of new policies. Primary data was collected through mixed methods (MMR) with the participation of key informants and San Diego County residents. Secondary data was collected and analyzed to further support the research. The literature review was conducted on the subtopics 1) vehicle congestion for parking and traffic 2) population density exceeds infrastructure 3) safety hazards in case of an emergency, peer review on each subtopic will enhance the study to support each. The research is impactful because it will identify some of the issues associated with ADUs while providing a blueprint of other ideas that can be taken for further action to ease the issues San Diego County is facing.
