"Testing the Efficacy of Drug Prevention Programs: A Case Study of the " by Adriana Ana Hollins

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


This study will address the issue of increased drug abuse and addiction among the youth. The main question that this study will address is how drug prevention programs can reduce drug abuse and addiction among the youth. The theory of change guiding the study is that engaging the youth in peer pressure training, constructive activities, life skills, and life education programs will reduce drug abuse and addiction among youth. The literature review guided the research by illustrating the programs and activities that have been established to reduce drug abuse and addiction among the youth. Those that were successful have been highlighted in the literature review, and those that failed as well. In addition, the literature review guided researching into what has not yet been researched to supplement the already existing recommendation towards reducing drug abuse and addiction among the youth. Data collection was through surveys and interviews. A survey was prepared on survey planet and shared on social media. The results and findings from the research validated this study's assumptions that the youth, when trained on life skills and life education and when engaged in constructive activities, will reduce the rate of drug abuse and addiction among the youth. Therefore, the Theory of Change for this research study was validated. Recommendations are to develop programs that will train the youth and engage them to eliminate idleness and naivety that may contribute to drug abuse and addiction.
