"Implementing ADUs as a New Form of Student Housing" by Duong Anh Hoang

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Over the last few years, California is facing a massive housing shortage. This alarming situation has blocked many families and individuals residing in the San Francisco Bay Area to find reasonable shelter, including undergraduate students. To mitigate student homelessness, Senator Nancy Skinner introduced SB 1227: Density bonuses in 2018. It was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in the year after. The bill aims to make the building of student housings easier by giving density bonuses to eligible builders. Although SB 1227 has shown a degree of success after its implementation, including a property tax reduction for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in its language could benefit even more students and homeowners. Moreover, if ADUs oriented vacancy tax and housing vouchers are used with the bill version including property tax reduction, its effectiveness would improve significantly.

This study explores the benefits and drawbacks of rental control pricing, vacancy tax for ADUs and housing vouchers for ADUs to help address this housing concern. Additionally, several literary resources regarding these topics, survey’s data and interviews’ responses are provided to strengthen the discussion. From these findings, recommendations are drawn. The goal of the study is to raise more housing solutions in order to help students in high density urban environments.
