
Patrina Hall

Date of Award

Spring 4-26-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


This study focuses on structural racism and the socio-economic effects of gentrification within African American neighborhoods throughout San Francisco, California. In this instance, such neighborhoods include that of the Western Addition, and the Bay View Hunters Point. The main goal of this report is to establish a positive correlation between gentrification, structural racism, and inequitable distribution of socio-economic resources to the African Americans population. This report analyzes the relationship between gentrification, displacement and community, socio-economic disadvantages within the African American community, mainly as a result of structural racism. The findings in this research study confirms that gentrification and displacement improves redeveloped neighborhoods; however, but at disturbing proportions, the effects of gentrification are known to be detrimental to the most vulnerable populations of people who are usually the targets and victims of the gentrification process (Florida, 2015). In regards to this circumstance, this investigational study strives to identify credible policy recommendations as a catalysts for introducing policy initiatives and resolutions for the purposes of combating the adverse effects associated with the gentrification process.

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