Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In 1995, the City of San Buenaventura (aka Ventura) adopted an anti-growth/anti-sprawl initiative called SOAR (Save Our Agricultural Resources) with the goal of preserving agricultural lands within the city boundary. As the supply of new homes dwindled and the demand for housing remained the same or increased, residential real estate sale prices have dramatically increased since 1996. This paper will examine the economic impacts of SOAR on the residential real estate market in the City of Ventura Residential sales data will be analyzed between the City of Ventura and the City of Camarillo in an attempt to identify SOAR's contribution to price appreciation. Annual new home construction building permits over the same period will demonstrate an ongoing reduction in the supply of new homes. Other cities have experienced real estate price increases, but the City of Ventura is experiencing significant price increases because of SOAR.

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