
Mohamed Fouad

Date of Award

Spring 3-2004

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is in use by different governmental agencies in lieu of adjudication to resolve issues in controversy nationwide. City of San Diego Engineering Maintenance and Operational Department can benefit directly from the implementation of ADR to reduce the amount of litigated claims that are accumulating due to expansion of the City's operations and the increasing number of new housing developments, as well as the development of new legal concepts.

This paper will examine the benefits of implementing this program within the Department of Engineering Maintenance and Operations in the City of San Diego by evaluating similar programs to determine their effectiveness in terms of reduced number of litigated cases and efficiency in terms of savings in time and money. Also, this paper will evaluate similar programs to determine the impact of the process on the traditional practices in the context of public administration and the culture of professionalism and provide a comprehensive process for practical use. This program is expected to reduce the backlog of the claims within the Department and cut down the processing time and cost to manageable levels.
