"Military Transitioning: Assessing the Effectiveness of U.S. Coast Guar" by Glenn Galman


Glenn Galman

Date of Award

Spring 3-2-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Thousands of servicemembers separate from the military each year. The U.S. Government is committed to ensuring they are prepared for a successful transition into civilian life through mandated Transition Assistance Programs (TAP). While this topic has often been studied for Department of Defense (DoD) veterans, little research is available specific to U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) veterans. Existing career transition research for civilians and DoD veterans will inform the basis of this proposed study. Using a mixed method of quantitative sampling of USCG retirees and qualitative sampling of Career Transition Specialists, this study seeks to fill some of the research gap by obtaining USCG-specific data to determine which USCG TAP services are the most effective in preparing USCG retirees for civilian employment. There are significant implications (including policy applications) from understanding which TAP services effectively lead to successful employment outcomes for USCG retirees.
