"Summary of 1981 Crime Legislation" by Joint Committee for the Revision of the Penal Code

Document Type

Committee Report

Publication Date



This compendium will provide you with a convenient summary and copies of the Legislature's statutory accomplishments in criminal law during the first half of the 1981-1982 session.

All bills enacted during 1981 will become effective January 1, 1982 unless they are urgency measures or were made inoperative. The summaries of the urgency measures specifiy their effective date. Bills that were enacted but will not become operative have been excluded. In some bills only portions of the measure will be inoperative. These sections are clearly labeled on the bills.

Senate and Assembly measures are listed separately, each in ascending numerical order. A topical index lists the measures by topic for easy reference. Each entry includes the chapter number, author, support and opposition groups and a brief description of the legislation. The bill descriptions included here are not analyses. The actual chaptered bills are included for purposes of analysis.


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