California Joint Committees | California Documents | Golden Gate University School of Law

For this series, the GGU Law Library is digitizing its collection of California Legislative Joint reports and other documents as distributed by the State Librarian. All documents are believed to be in the public domain. Anyone wishing to assert copyright of a document should contact the Administrator at


Documents from 2020


Joint Legislative Audit Committee 2019-2020 End of Session Report, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Documents from 2019


2017-18 End of Session Report, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Documents from 2012


Joint Legislative Audit Committee: 2011-12 End of Session Report, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Documents from 2010


Joint Legislative Audit Committee: 2009-10 End of Session Report, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Documents from 2005


What Is To Be Done? Legislators Look at Redevelopment Reforms, Senate Local Government Committee, Senate Transportation & Housing Committee, Assembly Housing & Community Development Committee, Assembly Local Government Committee, and Assembly Judiciary Committee

Documents from 2000


The State's Year 2000 Water Supply Operations Plan, Assembly Publications

Documents from 1999


Joint Legislative Audit Committee: 1998 Year End Report: Restoring Accountability in Government, Joint Legislative Audit Committee


Joint Legislative Audit Committee: 1999 Year End Report Volume 1, Joint Legislative Audit Committee


Joint Legislative Audit Committee: 1999 Year End Report Volume II, Joint Legislative Audit Committee


Post Hearing Briefing: The Pacifica Foundation and the Crisis at KPFA Listener Sponsored Radio, Joint Legislative Audit Committee

Documents from 1994


Assembly Joint Oversight Committee on Lowering the Cost of Electric Services, Assembly Joint Oversight Committee

Documents from 1993


Improprieties in the California Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Rate Decision: Restoring the Public Trust, Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce and Senate Committee on Energy and Public Utilities


The Criminal Alien, Joint Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


Informational Hearing On: Part I. Indian Gaming in California, Senate Committee on Governmental Organization and Assembly Committee on Governmental Organization


Informational hearing on: Part II - Review of the Attorney General's Proposal to Create a State Gaming Commission, Senate Committee on Governmental Organization and Assembly Committee on Governmental Organization


Trial Court Unification Under SCA 3, Senate Judiciary Committee and Assembly Judiciary Committee

Documents from 1992


Hearing on Proposition 165, Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Senate Budget and Fiscal Review, and Assembly Ways and Means Committee

Documents from 1991


The Next Step: Empowering California's Developmental Disabilities Community. A Study of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, Senate Health Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases; Senate Subcommittee on the Rights of the Disabled; and Assembly Health Subcommittee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

Documents from 1990


Report of the California-Taiwan Sister State Legislative Task Force, California-Taiwan Sister State Legislative Task Force


Hearing on Determinate and Indeterminate Sentencing, Joint Committee for Revision of the Penal Code


international Migration and Border Region Violence, Joint Committee on Refugee Resettlement, International Migration and Cooperative Development


Ethics in Government, Joint Legislative Committee


Commercial and Noncommercial Surrogate Parenting, Joint Legislative Committee on Surrogate Parenting


Joint Hearing on Propositions 129, 133, 134, 136, Senate Committee on Revenue and Taxation, Senate Committee on Local Government, Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation, and Assembly Committee on Local Government


The Next Step: Empowering California's Developmental Disabilities Community. A Study of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. Executive Summary Draft, Senate Health Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases; Senate Subcommittee on the Rights of the Disabled; and Assembly Health Subcommittee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities


Peer Review Immunity: AB 2856, Senate Judiciary Committee and Assembly Judiciary Committee


Proposition 136 "Taxpayers Right to Vote" - Analysis of Issues and Provisions, Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, Senate Local Government Committee, and Assembly Local Government Committee

Documents from 1989


Special Hearing on Internal Revenue Code Section 415 and California's Public Pension Systems, Assembly Committee on Public Employees, Retirement, and Social Security and Senate Committee on Public Employment and Retirement


Alternatives to Street Gangs: Urban Services Restoration Corps and Neighborhood Academies, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Hearing on Gang Violence in Schools, December 6,, 1989, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Hearing on Gang Violence in Schools, November 8, 1989, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Hearing on Proposals for Changing Little R.I.C.O., Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Peer Counseling: A Proposal to Counter Street Gang and Drug Influence, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


California's Role in the Commercialization of Space, Joint Committee on Science and Technology


Earthquake Prediction Research Funding: Senate Bill 22X, Joint Committee on Science and Technology


AIDS Research Center at San Francisco General Hospital, Joint Legislative Budget Committee


Current Year General Fund Budget Deficiencies, Joint Legislative Budget Committee


Proposition 99 and the Tax on Other Tobacco Products, Joint Legislative Budget Committee


Joint Hearing on Draft Water Quality Control Plan for Salinity, Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources and Assembly Committee on Water, Parks & Wildlife


land Use and Local Revenue Sharing: Playing the Zero-Sum Game, Senate Committee on Local Government and Assembly Committee on Local Government


SR 9: An Overview of the Study of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Service Act, Senate Health Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases; Senate Subcommittee on the Rights of the Disabled; and Assembly Health Subcommittee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities

Documents from 1988


An Analysis of the California Child Support System, Assembly Human Services Committee and Joint Select Task Force on the Changing Family


Gang Violence: Recommendations for Legislative Solutions - November 2, 1988, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Gang Violence: Recommendations for Legislative Solutions - October 20, 1988, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Gang Violence: Recommendations for Legislative Solutions - October 26, 1988 - Part II, Joint Committee on Organized Crime and Gang Violence


Summary of 1987-88 Prison Related Legislation, Joint Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


Impact of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 on California Agriculture, Joint Committee on Refugee Resettlement, International Migration, and Cooperative Development


California's Failure to Secure Major Research Projects, Joint Committee on Science and Technology


The Human Genome Projects: Issues, Goals & California's Participation, Joint Committee on Science and Technology


The Economic Impact of Cleaning Up the Air in the South Coast Basin, Joint Committee on the State's Economy


California Couples: Recognizing Diversity and Strengthening Fundamental Relationships, Joint Select Task Force on the Changing Family


Joint Hearing on Propositions 68 and 73, Senate Committee on Elections and Assembly Committee on Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments


Joint Interim Hearing on Utility Merger Mania: Benefits and Risks to Ratepayers and Shareholders, Senate Committee on Energy and Public Utilities and Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce


Propositions 100, 101, 103, 104 and 106, Senate Committee on Insurance, Claims and Corporations; Senate Committee on Judiciary; and Assembly Committee on Finance and Insurance


Appointment Process for Advocacy Boards Serving Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness, Part I, Senate Health Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases; Senate Select Committee on Citizen Participation in Government; and Assembly Health Subcommittee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities


Appointment Process for Advocacy Boards Serving Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness, Part II, Senate Health Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases; Senate Select Committee on Citizen Participation in Government; Assembly Health Subcommittee on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities; and Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Rights of the Disabled

Documents from 1987


In Memoriam: Jesse Marvin Unruh - A Legislative Tribute, California Legislature Joint Publications


Immigration Reform and Control Act: Implementation and Impact in California, Joint Committee on Refugee Resettlement, International Migration and Cooperative Development


Proposition 13, Ten Years Later, Joint Legislative Budget Committee


Joint Hearing on Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant, Public Utilities Commission Staff Report


Rape: Medical Protocol, Senate Committee on Judiciary and Assembly Select Committee on Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault


Deterrence and Response to Neighborhood Violence, Senate Research Committee on Neighborhood Violence and Assembly Select Committee on Neighborhood Violence & Mediation


Establishment of a Five-Year Master Plan to Reduce Substance Abuse in California, Senate Select Committee on Substance Abuse and Assembly Select Committee on Youth and Drug Abuse Prevention

Documents from 1986


The Salary Limitation Initiative: Description and Analysis, Assembly Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review


Joint Interim Hearing on Proposition 63: English as the Official State Language, Assembly Task Form on Proosition 63 and Senate Committee on Elections


Summary of 1986 Prison Related Legislation, Joint Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


JCRR 1985-86 Session Report, Joint Committee on Refugee Resettlement


The Refugee Demonstration Project, Joint Committee on Refugee Resettlement


Task Force Report on California and the Pacific Rim - Issues and Recommendations, Joint Committee on the State's Economy and Senate Select Committee on the Pacific Rim


Privatization of Prison Operations, Joint Legislative Committee on Prison Construction and Operations and Senate Committee on Business and Professions


Interim Hearing on Drug Testing in the Workplace - Volume I, Select Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Interim Hearing on Drug Testing in the Workplace - Volume II, Select Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Joint Interim Hearing on Proposition 63: English as the Official State Language - Oct. 1, 1986, Senate Committee on Elections and Assembly Task Force on Proposition 63


Joint Hearing on the California State Lottery, Senate Committee on Governmental Organization and Assembly Committee on Governmental Organization


Interim Hearing on Proposition 64 the AIDS Initiative on the November 4, 1986 Ballot, Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and Assembly Committee on Elections and Reapportionment


Joint Interim Hearing on Proposition 64: The AIDS Initiative on the November 4, 1986 Ballot. Part II: Written Testimony, Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and Assembly Committee on Elections and Reapportionment


Joint Hearing on Proposition 51, Senate Committee on Judiciary and Assembly Committee on Judiciary


An Overview of the Williamson Act, Senate Committee on Local Government and Assembly Committee on Natural Resources

Documents from 1985


In the Matter of The Homeless Volume II, Assembly Committee on Human Services and Senate Health and Human Services Committee


Joint Interim Hearing on the Attorney Discipline Function of the State Bar of California, Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Senate Committee on Judiciary


Joint Hearing on the Homeless, Assembly Human Services Committee and Senate Health and Human Services Committee


California's Prisons: California Institution for Men, Joint Legislative Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


California's Prisons: Violence at Folsom Prison: Causes, Possible Solutions, Joint Legislative Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


Hearing on SB 14, Chapter 978 Statutes of 1982, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Corrections and Law Enforcement Agencies and Assembly Committee on Human Services

Documents from 1984


Joint Hearing of the Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees on Proposition 24 (Pursuant to Elections Code Section 3523.1), Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Senate Committee on Judiciary


Analysis of ACA 53 and Proposed Jarvis IV Initiative, Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee and Senate Office of Research


Juvenile Arson and Firesetting: A Growing Problem?, Joint Committee on Fire, Police, Emergency and Disaster Services


California's Prisons: Vacaville Expansion, Joint Legislative Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


ACR 62 Task Force Meeting September 17, 1984, Joint Publications Office


ACR 62 Task Force Meeting September 18, 1984, Joint Publications Office


Organizational meeting, ACR 62 Study Panel : pursuant to ACR 62 authored by Senator Wadie Deddeh and Assemblyman Dave Elder, Joint Publications Office


Civil Commitment in Mental Health: A Review of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, Senate Subcommittee on Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Genetic Diseases and Assembly Select Committee on Mental Health

Documents from 1983


California's Prisons: California Rehabilitation Center, Joint Legislative Committee on Prison Construction and Operations


In the Matter of Occupational Safety and Health - December 6, 1983, Senate Committee on Industrial Relations and Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment


In the Matter of Occupational Safety and Health - December 8, 1983, Senate Committee on Industrial Relations and Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment


Funding of the Judges' Retirement System, Senate Committee on Public Employment and Retirement and Assembly Committee on Public Employment and Retirement

Documents from 1982


Hearing on Review of the Peninsula Commute Service, Joint Committee on Mass Transit


The Economic Impact of Continuing California's Energy Efficiency Standards for Household Appliances, Joint Committee on the State's Economy and Senate Committee on Energy and Public Utilities


In the Matter of: Adulteration of Over-the_counter Drugs: The Tylenol Poisonings, Senate Committee on Health and Welfare and Assembly Committee on Health

Documents from 1981


Investment of Public Pension Funds, Assembly Committee on Public Employees and Retirement and Senate Committee on Public Employees and Retirement