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Joint Hearing Senate Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources and Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife: "The State's Year 2000 Water Supply Operations Plan."

During the last two months California has been engaged in discussions with the federal government to determine how water will be supplied for California's environment, businesses, homes, and farms in 2000. While this is a process that occurs every year, this year the federal government has decided to allocate its water between the environment and the economy differently. The; federal government's allocations for the 2000 water year will result in full implementation of environmental protections, and a 100 percent water supply for wildlife refuges. However, water allocations for Silicon Valley homes and businesses are projected to receive a 75 percent supply, and San Joaquin Valley farms will receive a 40 percent supply. In a recent letter to Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, Governor Davis expressed his concern that the federal government is not using its discretion in making water allocations in a manner that balance California's environmental and economic needs.


Pages 209-210 are mis-numbered as pp. 211-212. There are two sets of pages numbered 211-212.

Pages 283-284 are missing from the document.

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