"California Victim Witness Assistance Program: Preliminary Report" by Office of Criminal Justice Planning

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



I am pleased to present this Preliminary Report on the operation of the California Victim/Witness Assistance Program. This program is funded persuant to Chapter 713 of 1979 Statutes (SB 383, Smith) and under the requirements of Chapter 1256 of 1977 Statutes (AB 1434, Gage). This report discusses the program•s implementation and a preliminary assessment covering the period through December 30, 1980.

The basic goal of this program is to encourage and strengthen efforts to assist victims and witnesses of all types of crime. This report details the history of this concept and the innovative efforts undertaken in California to meet this goal. Assistance Centers in thirty counties provide services aimed at meeting this goal, and current plans include expanding the program to implement additional programs.

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