"Measuring Economic Impacts: The Application of Input-Output Analysis t" by California Department of Water Resources

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



In early 1976, the Department of Water Resources began developing a California input-output model for water resources management decisions aided by a federal grant from the Office of Water Research and Technology. This report presents the models and applications resulting from this jointly funded effort. While the study was in progress in early 1977, the economic consequences of the California drought became a subject of much concern. As a result, the Department used the model to make projections of the secondary economic impacts of the drought, an effort which proved useful in making difficult water management decisions.

In developing the models, Department economists collected a great deal of data, making estimates of dollar and resource flows for each industry and cross checking the results with published data. The result is a current and detailed model we hope will be helpful to other agencies in resources evaluation.


Department of Water Resources Bulletin 210.

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