"Land and Water Use in Klamath River Hydrographic Unit. Volume 1: Text" by California Department of Water Resources

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



The State Legislature requested the Department of Water Resources to make a current inventory of the water resources and water requirements of the State in greater detail and to higher standards than has previously been done. Results of this inventory will be presented in two series of reports covering (l) land and water use, and (2) water resources and water requirements.

This land and water use report covers the watershed of the Klamath River and is the sixth of the Bulletin No. 94 series. This report is a preliminary edition. After a public hearing is held in the Klamath River area, the final report will be prepared and presented to the Legislature.


State of California, The Resources Agency Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 94-6. Preliminary Text.

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