"Probable Cause to Arrest and Admissibility of Evidence" by Bonnie Lee Martin

Document Type

Cal State Document

Publication Date



Following the decision in People v. Cahan, in April of 1955, California adopted as a judicially declared rule of evidence, that illegally obtained evidence would be inadmissible in a criminal proceeding. There are only a few general statutes governing the laws of arrest which aid the court and police officers in determining whether a given arrest is lawful and a search and seizure of evidence proper. 'l'hus it remained for judicial decisions to define and answer the problems which have arisen in this area. Since our digest systems are never quite current and since to my knowledge, these cases have never been compiled and thoroughly indexed, it was felt that such a work as this was needed. The first printing of this syllabus was a compilation of cases following the Cahan decision through December 10, 1957. Since that time there have been significant changes and additional refinements in the law, particularly in regard to confidential informers. This revised edition includes the California cases relating to searches and seizures and probable cause to arrest through January 1, 1960, as well as those cases reported in the earlier edition.

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