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This Comment advocates an Apollo Program-type mentality in terms of "greening" American society from the top down-beginning with the military-in order to break the country's addiction to fossil fuels. In embracing a broad-based "green" strategy, the United States can weave together a number of priorities heretofore thought irreconcilable: national security, environmental protection, and economic growth. In defining a clear "enemy" - our dependence on fossil fuels - the U.S. can unite various segments of society around a value-neutral and universally beneficial policy objective. By calling upon the resources of academia, the military, and the business community, the government can harness the institutions in which America has traditionally had the most palpable innovative advantages. By becoming the international leader in green technology invention, production, and deployment, the United States can help ameliorate the effects of its last industrial revolution while triggering a new one in the process.
