Book Review: Judgeships in Iran: Step Down, You are a Woman: A legal analysis of international human rights: A history of woman's rights in Iran and women judges in the United States. By Delaram Farzaneh
Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Fall 2017
Dr. Delaram Farzaneh, a Visiting Scholar at NYU Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, has written a comprehensive scholarly book investigating fundamental principles that result in systemic discrimination against women in Iran. This book takes as its focus the time in 1979, immediately following the Islamic Revolution led by the Ayatullah Khomeini, when women lost most of their previously acquired rights and freedoms, including the removal of all women judges from the judgeship position solely because of their gender. She creatively uses this drastic setback for women to illustrate the extreme change to women's rights after the revolution and the establishing of a discriminatory legal system against them.
Recommended Citation
45 Int'l J. Legal Information 262 (2017).
Judgeships in Iran: Step Down, You are a Woman: A legal analysis of international human rights: A history of woman's rights in Iran and women judges in the United States. By Delaram Farzaneh . Lake Mary, FL: Vandeplas Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 978-1600422881. Available: https://vandeplaspublishing.com/products/judgeships-in-iran-step-down-you-are-a-woman-a-legal-analysis-of-international-human-rights