"Must Judges Follow Children’s Wishes Over Their Custody?" by Benedetta Faedi Duramy

Document Type

Blog Post

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Across countries and jurisdictions, allowing children to voice their preferences in family disputes is beneficial for all parties involved. Judges find it useful to complement and corroborate facts and information of a case, parents learn how their children are coping with the current situation, and, finally, children end up being more satisfied with the process and adjusting better to the outcome. Giving children a say over their custody empowers them, fosters their sense of control, and contributes to their best interest. Those who are not invited to express their views, instead, become disappointed, frustrated and resentful.


This blog post was published in Psychology Today and may also be viewed online at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-cross-examination/201506/must-judges-follow-children-s-wishes-over-their-custody.

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Family Law Commons
