"Association Agreements Between the EC and Central and Eastern European" by Helen E. Hartnell

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Association agreements that establish increased trade, dialogue and cooperation between the EC and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have proliferated in recent years. Yet still the relationship between the EC and countries in this region has been characterized by a significant degree of mutual misunderstanding and dissatisfaction. On one side, the high expectations of the Central and East European countries are reflected in their equally high disappointment levels vis-a-vis the EC. And on the other side, one senses that the EC grows weary of what it perceives as complaints and ingratitude.

Against this background, I propose to examine two related issues. First, I will describe the nature and assess, the strengths and weaknesses of the association agreements themselves. And second, I will examine some recent developments in the relations between the EC and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, notably the Memorandum submitted by the Visegrad Group of countries to the EC in October 1992, and the EC's response to the demands raised therein, in order to assess the current state of relations.
