"Inclusive Teaching Methods Across the Curriculum: Academic ·Resource a" by David Dominguez, Laurie Zimet et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 1997


This article describes an educational journey of seven diverse law teachers, located in different parts of the country, at various stages of our careers, who, in the course of preparing a simple panel, found that we had created a truly rewarding experience of our own. We write with the conviction that we need to share what we learned from those four months of "schoolwork" and from the AALS program we eventually presented in January, 1997. As we reconstruct our collaboration on inclusive teaching methods and ponder where it is taking us, we find we worked through the following stages of progression. First, came the initial selection of the presenters: Assembling the Panel (part I). Second, a period of orientation and sizing up each other followed, where we shared our respective visions of how law and academic support teachers could join forces to promote inclusive teaching methods into the legal academy. We entered an "adjustment-to-reality" phase. Each of us critically reflected upon how our broad vision of collaboration might be at odds with the reality of our circumstances: Planning the Presentation (Part II). Third, we eventually sought both closure to our collaboration and commencement of a wider effort through a call to activism within the academic community; realizing our goal to make a positive difference for the AALS audience: The Presentation (Part III). Finally, we made future plans to bring legal education into the next millennium: Postscript (Part IV).
