Document Type
Government Document
Publication Date
This report is designed to help law enforcement administrators and officers understand and institute a strategy to help prevent violence - community-oriented policing services carried out in collaboration with youth-serving organizations. Popular police prevention approaches such as D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training), and the McGruff "Take a Bite out of Crime" campaigns have helped prepare police officers to work hand in hand in a variety of ways with local affiliates of national youth-serving organizations. In a growing number of cities, police are working with youth groups and finding that violence involving youth is rapidly decreasing. Some of these approaches are detailed.
Recommended Citation
US Department of Justice and Carnegie Corporation of New York, "Kids, COPS, & Communities" (1998). National Institute of Justice Office of Justice Programs. 23.
SuDoc# J 28.23: K 54
Item# 0718-A-07