Golden Gate University Law Review
Development Rights Transfer in Livermore: A Planning Strategy to Conserve Open Space
Patricia Sheehan Peterson and Gerald Richards
The Public Inebriate and the Police in California: The Perils of Piece-Meal Reform
Peter Goodman and Richard Idell
Newly Registered Securities and Accountants' Liability to Third Party Investors Under the Federal Securities Law
Timothy J. Murphy
Caracas, 1974: International Regulation of Ocean Ecology
M. Ann Murphy, Betty B. Bennett, and Donna M. Ismael
The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, Section 501: A Tool for Developing Internal Union Democracy
G. Brian Spears
Toward True Equality: Reforms in California's Community Property Law
Delia M. Chilgren
Who's Watching the Watchman? The Regulation, or Non-Regulation, of America's Largest Law Enforcement Institution, the Private Police
Gloria G. Dralla
Construction Industry Ass'n of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma: Constitutional Limitations Placed on Controlled Growth Zoning
Harriet Parker Bass and Judith Bazeley
The Right to Effective Counsel in Criminal Trials: Judicial Standards and the California Bar Association Response
Marlys Fredrickson Huez and Leonard D. Weiler