
Newspaper Clippings - The Saga of Carter's Dam - #1, March 1958


Document Type

News Article

Publication Date



The Jesse Carter Collection at Golden Gate University School of Law Library contains many newspaper clippings that represent the jurist’s career. These clippings have been digitized for inclusion in this archive.

Some of the attached files are of poor print quality due to the quality of the originals we have on hand. Some articles have had their columns adjusted to fit on one page. We have added the date and name of the newspaper where it is known. It is likely that all articles were taken from either the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, or the Marin Independent Journal.

PrivateDamBreaksInMarin.pdf (55 kB)
Private Dam Breaks In Marin, 3/22/1958

IllShootSaysJudge.pdf (132 kB)
I'll Shoot, Says Judge, The SF News, 3/25/1958

JusticeCarterVowsToShootToSaveHisDam.pdf (534 kB)
Justice Carter Vows to Shoot To Save His Dam, SF Chronicle, 3/26/1958

JuristInGunplayThreat.pdf (94 kB)
Jurist in Gunplay Threat, 3/25/1958

SupervisorsBackDownOnDrainingOfDam.pdf (240 kB)
Supervisors Back Down On Draining Of Dam, Independent-Journal, 3/26/1958

JudgeBacksDownInDefendingDam.pdf (88 kB)
Judge Backs Down In Defending Dam, SF Examiner, 3/26/1958

JudgeYieldsWontShootToKeepDam.pdf (58 kB)
Judge Yields, Won't Shoot To Keep Dam, SF Examiner, 3/26/1958

JudgeHasRifleHandy.pdf (313 kB)
Judge Has Rifle Handy, The SF News, 3/26/1958

CarterSupervisorsScoutHisReservoir.pdf (95 kB)
Carter's Dare Taken; Four Look at Pool, SF Chronicle, 3/27/1958

TheLawOfJudgeCartersPond.pdf (169 kB)
Editorial: The Law of Judge Carter's Pond, SF Chronicle, 3/27/1958

CarterDamACenterOfControversy.pdf (336 kB)
Carter Dam, A Center of Controversy, Call-Bulletin, 2/28/1958

ThePondRaid.pdf (294 kB)
Marin Dam Drained -- Without a Shot, SF Chronicle, 3/28/1958

JudgeCarterHasGunWontBudge.pdf (33 kB)
Editorial: Judge Carter: Has Gun, Won't Budge, The Independent, 3/28/1958

CountyTroopsWinSkirmish.pdf (350 kB)
County Troops Win Skirmish in War Against Judge Carter, Independent-Journal, 3/28/1958

CarterThreatensAgainToShoot.pdf (101 kB)
Carter Threatens Again to Shoot, SF Examiner, 3/29/1958

JudgeTriumphsOverMarinAide.pdf (107 kB)
Judge Triumphs Over Marin Aide In New Skirmish, 3/29/1958

JudgeAsksTroopGuardAtMarinDam.pdf (90 kB)
Judge Asks Troop Guard At Marin Dam, 3/30/1958

CarterSaysHellAskForTroops.pdf (73 kB)
Carter Says He'll Ask for Troops, SF Chronicle, 3/30/1958

MarinAgainLowersJudgeCartersDam.pdf (39 kB)
Marin Again Lowers Judge Carter's Dam, 3/31/1958

AngryHomeOwnersToProtestJudgesDam.pdf (141 kB)
Angry Home Owners To Protest Judge's Dam

JudgeToPayDamagesOfBrokenDam.pdf (143 kB)
Judge To Pay Damages Of Broken Dam

BrighamToldToPumpOutJudgesDam.pdf (85 kB)
Brigham Told To Pump Out Judge's Dam

ifItDripsADamDropMayFollow.pdf (105 kB)
If It Drips, A Dam Drop May Follow

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