"Employee Retention at Heritage University" by Jesus Diaz


Jesus Diaz

Date of Award

Summer 6-29-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The topic of this research paper is Improving Employee Retention at Heritage University. This institution of higher education has suffered a high turnover of employees throughout the University. This paper examines three areas of improvement: pay, benefits, and work conditions the University can change. The literature review supports the argument as to why Heritage University should enhance retention. The research includes primary data collected from current staff and directors from Heritage University in interviews and surveys and provide different perspectives, thoughts and beliefs regarding this study. The impact of the study will help Heritage University implement new strategies or policies to enhance employee retention.

The data collected and results analyzed validate the theory of change and the three assumptions of this study. Current staff, directors, and former employees from Heritage University helped the researcher verify that the responses aligned and mapped to the theory and assumptions. The literature review also validated each of the three assumption. Primary data was collected using an online survey and Zoom interviews. The study offers timely and relevant recommendations to enhance employee retention at Heritage University.
