Date of Award

Spring 3-1-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


In 2011 the state of California enacted the public safety legislation AB109; a key component to this new legislation is the use of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide services for offenders to improve recidivism rates. In this study we will examine if Community Based Organizations (CBOs) directly affect the success of this new public safety legislation and more specifically if there are any particular services which can be identified to help reduce recidivism. Given the fact the AB109 legislation is only two years old, the review of literature will be from agencies and organizations who are attempting to implement these realignment changes and how and if they are using Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in their implementation. Primary data will be generated from surveys issued to county law enforcement agencies and key informant interviews with administrators of the AB109 policy in individual county’s Probation Department, Sheriff Department and Detention Facilities in the nine Bay Area Counties. The result of this study could help to determine if Community Based Organizations (CBOs) are helping reduce recidivism rates.
