Date of Award

Fall 10-18-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


To consolidate or not to consolidate – it’s not a question; it is reality. Consolidation of fire services is a discussion that has been prevalent in North America for over four decades now. One should consider themselves lucky if they work in a department that hasn’t discussed it, albeit, be prepared because it is on the horizon. Fire agencies within San Mateo County, a county comprised of 20 cities and a population of approximately 739,911 should be recognized for its scope and innovation with shared services. The purpose of this study is to identify and observe factors that contribute to the success and failure of fire department amalgamations at the local level. A case study was conducted based on literature review and analysis, review of content associated with San Mateo County fire agencies, and a survey that included follow up interviews with local officials in the County. An analysis of dissertations, theses, journals, and newspaper articles led to a predominant theme during the literature review period. The perceived loss of political control to shared sovereignty, agreement on the type of consolidation, and acceptance through labor and management for moving forward with consolidation were leading barriers to a successful union. The study will concentrate on the barriers to success and the impacts and benefits shared services have on its stakeholders. The objective is to evaluate the efficacy of current shared services used amid San Mateo County fire agencies so that other organizations can use it as a model for their endeavors.
