"Evaluating Workforce Development and Training Programs in Lodi and the" by Luis Aguilar


Luis Aguilar

Date of Award

Summer 8-24-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The City of Lodi’s median household income is below the State of California and among the lowest for cities in San Joaquin County. Economic development is a key strategic imperative for the Lodi City Council, with a goal to raise the median income of Lodi residents to the top 25% of the State. This research paper focuses on the current workforce development and training programs and their impact on the median household income. The study employs a mixed-methods approach incorporating qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis to either accept or reject the hypothesis. Based on the findings of the study, it will be determined if the alignment of workforce development and training programs with emerging industries, free entrepreneurship support, or additional resources for the Lodi Adult School and Delta College partnership will lead to an increase in the median household income. Literature review will inform the research by supporting or not supporting the assumptions and findings presented in the study. The study has the potential to evaluate existing programs available and influence policy to support, improve or modify them.
