"Health Disparities in East Oakland: A Case Study for Implementing Univ" by Rita Robinson


Rita Robinson

Date of Award

Fall 10-2009

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Administration (MPA)


The topic of health care reform is familiar to many of us in. At an individual and personal level, the issue of health care reform causes concern for most Americans. It is perhaps the most debated and leading topic of discussion in the United States. Today the Nation grows closer to possibly implementing a universal health care plan. Universal health care is of significance to me personally. I believe that the lack of attention to the attributing factors of health care disparities have created a serious health crisis in minority communities such as East Oakland, California.

This research is a qualitative case study on the potential for implementing universal health care in the minority communities of East Oakland. Instituting a health care reform policy by community officials could be the first step towards addressing the deep issues concerning health disparities in minority communities such as East Oakland. Upon completion of this study, recommendations will be provided to elected leaders in. Oakland on ways to implement a universal health care plan for East Oakland.

The research findings provided in this study result from data collected from survey questionnaires from randomly selected East Oakland residents in minority communities, face-to-face interviews conducted with hospital administrators, and from information from published relevant literature.

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